Sunday, 30 December 2012

"Really!! Is that it..."

The sum total of my, oh so productive (!!), allotment year...

as you can see, on a plot of 3 poles (75m2) I had a lot of space left for my bonfire..

Making use of the useless...

I was lucky, or unlucky depending on your view, to have been paid to get rid of a lot of old wood. Being as I was unable to dispose of this wood I took it up to myAllotment. As you can see I have put it to good use...

bench, coffee, bonfire, bliss

Back again!!

Hello people!

I apologise for having let my blog go unattended for so long. I have had a busy gardening year and haven't spent as much time up myallotment than I would have liked, but I AM BACK.....