Monday, 25 June 2012

West Mills Allotment

On Sunday I was cajoled out of bed to work for a lady called Sally, who has recently taken on a plot at West Mills Allotment. She is situated about 10 metres from the canal and gets most of her sunlight after 1pm:

Sally, on the left, deciding where to start... 

Sally is going to grow a range of different cut flowers.


When you pick your potatoes eat them within 2 hours. They taste their best then and you only need to cook them for 8 minutes

I was asked to lay a base for her shed which was arriving at 7.30 the next morning.

Materials Used (based on an 8ft x 6ft shed):

450mm x 450mm slabs

14 bags of sharp sand

2 bags of building sand

ask for "3 x 4.2m 4'"x 1" treated timber"


2x spirit levels

Rubber mallet

Sunny day (not included)

Voila, 4 gruelling days later....

I will continue this another time, good night x

Sunday, 17 June 2012

"look at the state of it...."

....Dads first comment as he saw my future greenhouse

See what you think...I think it has potential!!

Friday, 15 June 2012

'Project Pumpkin'

Good Afternoon,

On Fridays I volunteer at The Castle School in Newbury, Berkshire. I am only there for 45mins a week but we have started what we like to call 'Project Pumpkin'

As you will know from my a blog earlier I have now dug in my mustard seed to increase the nutrients in my soil. As luck would have it, it has been raining very hard for a couple of days now so my soil is now well watered. Perfect soil for our pumpkins....

Lots of space, just in case they decide to grow!!

Pumpkin cam

I forgot to take any pictures of them planted :) but let me assure you I planted them with utmost care!

Fingers crossed x

Monday, 11 June 2012

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Its been a while...

Hey everybody!!

It has been a while since my last update, over a month I see!! Well, it has also been that long since I last went up to myAllotment. I would like to say I was driven there by the desire to get stuck in, check on my mustard seeds and prepare for my shed. I can't. I was driven there by the need to tackle the, now MASSIVE, grass surrounding my plot!
I received a lovely letter from my local council informing me of the "unacceptable length of my grass" and the impending inspection that is to come this next Tuesday.

AFTER my neighbour came by with his strimmer!!
On the right you can see I started to turn over my mustard seed into the ground. As some of you may remember, mustard is a very good green manure, once it has grown to a certain height we are meant to 'dig it in' adding essential nutrients back into the soil;

 "Oh yes mustard! That'll do... MUSTARD?  Now don't let's be silly...." 

And now for a freeze frame halfway through the digging. For blog purposes only you realise, not because I have taken up smoking again and needed to catch my breath!;

So, plot looking acceptable, mustard turned into the ground I am done for today! 
I shall be updating more regularly for a while as some of my ,thought about, projects are starting to this space!!